viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

Question 6

Select 2 of the following questions to be included in your blog:

1.List the main similarities and differences of Japanese and Korean management styles.

2.Explain the phenomenon of convergence in terms of management styles. What are the forces or factors pushing for convergence?

3.Explain the phenomenon of differentiation in terms of management styles. What are the forces of factors pushing for differentiation?

4.In the case of Korean and Japanese management styles, do you think they tend to converge or diverge? Are they likely to converge to each other or to other management styles (Western, Asian, etc).

5.What is isomorphism? Do you think organisations change management styles to adapt to the environment? Which environment is stronger: national environment or international environment?


1.List the main similarities and differences of Japanese and Korean management styles.

The cultures and management styles between the Japanese and the Koreans are very similar but at the same time very different, one of the most obvious similarities of the Korean and the Japanese, is group of companies that are own by the same group an all the companies in these groups makes the supply chain for each other, in Japan is called Zaibatsu and in Korea is called Chaenol, in both countries these companies have a very close relationship with the government because of their large working force and their long time history, another similarity between these two is that they are manage by one family or clan and most of the people that manage the companies of the group are blood related, the only noticeable different between these two groups, is that in the Chaenol, the only company that they don’t have is a bank, its not uncommon in Japan that one of the Zaibatsu to own a bank.

Both countries pay attention to market share and profit maximization, the Japanese pay a lot of attention to their competitors but the Korean pay less attention to their competitor, but when they expand, then they pay more attention, both emphasize of technology, especially the Koreans and the Japanese pay more attention to manufacturing, Japan pays more attention to customer closeness and pay a lot of attention the company trademark.
This is a convergence culture

2. Explain the phenomenon of convergence in terms of management styles. What are the forces or factors pushing for convergence?

The phenomenon of convergence in management style can be see with the similarity of how companies act, not all countries act the same, in the example of Korea and Japan is easy to see the similarities between both countries because their cultures are very similar, but there are still some differences in the way the act, think the Japanese culture and the Korean culture as to different lines, the lines go alongside each other but they never merge or touch each other, its very easy to reach an agreement in a negotiation between Japan and Korea.

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