sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Organizational Culture and National Culture

National and organizational culture are different from each other, if you are negotiating with another country or company, investigate a little beforehand of who you are going to meet and their culture, when negotiating take into account cultural aspect such as religion, body language, education, personal communication, manners and customs, values, social structure and their attitudes (toward time, work and cultural change)

Organizational Culture:
It can be considered as informal, they are guidelines used in organizations practices and you learn them while on your job, you begin to act and imitate you co-workers actions on certain actions and situations, it’s very difficult to change an existing organizational culture to a new one, the changes have to been slowly and thru trial an error, if the changes are too drastic it can change the performance of the employees and it will cause confusion and conflict, but a good organizational culture can change the efficiency of the employees and also the company.


This video can help you understand the Organizational Culture, its in portuguese but is easy to understand

National Culture:
Is Considered as formal, but it can also be misleading, national culture refers to people from any given country, this will characterized some values, attitudes and behavior from people from a national culture, consider the national culture as an iceberg, there is a part that is easy to see like the top, but there is a lot under water that cannot be seen as easily, you can only see the top aspects of the national culture, its easier for a company to expand to a country with a similar national culture.

• http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/ndu/strat-ldr-dm/pt4ch16.html
• http://www.soi.org/reading/change/culture.shtml
• http://humanresources.about.com/od/organizationalculture/Organizational_Culture_Corporate_Culture_in_Organizations.htm
• http://managementhelp.org/org_thry/culture/culture.htm

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